Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Storms of Life and then there's Nebraska

Twin tornadoes hit the Pilger and Stanton, Nebraska areas on Monday June 16th. It's hard to imagine such a force of nature unless you were there. First, our prayers for the families that lost loved ones and to all that lost property and memories. It can be a feeling of disbelief after such a catastrophe.

I went through a similar situation at age 10 in the late '60s when a tornado hit our family farm. No doppler radar - no warning or sirens from the local town - just the sound of the wind ramping up and sounding like a runaway freight train with a full load.

My Mom ran upstairs to close the window in my room and the wind normally would blow into the house but her skirt was being sucked into the window - she grabbed me out of bed and we got halfway down the stairs - I remember - "Mom - are we going to die?" She began to pray to God for protection as we could hear the wind powering through like a big jet as glass was shattering.

She thought she could get me to the basement, which was a door located outside of the house, but there wasn't time. My Dad and brother were in town at a 4-H meeting, but we knew we weren't alone. The stairwell had two doors at the bottom both closed and protecting us from the flying glass.

Our protector - our God was there answering our prayer and guiding that tornado with His mighty hand right around the house. Proverbs 10:25 - When the storms of life come - the wicked are whirled away - but the godly have a lasting foundation.

You see - the garage lost it's roof - two buildings behind the house were gone - the barn was three feet off it's foundation and the tractor and pickup were flipped upside down. We were not harmed at all. Looking back - I can see God's Mighty Hand keeping that tornado from sucking the house into nothingness with us inside.

It's a miracle and I don't use that term lightly, but I Believe! My Mom, who was called Home to Heaven last October, carried the foundation of Jesus in her heart and never hesitated to call on Him at all times and in all places - even in daily thanks and praise. She also shared the Good News at work and carried herself as God made her to be.

When you see tragedy on the news or in person you know people are in need of prayer. Next time you hear about people's lives being shattered just call on God on their behalf - He's listening - He's there and He's with you. He wants you to stay connected with Him in all circumstances - good or bad.

The disciples woke Jesus up and said - Master - Master - we're going to drown - When Jesus woke up He rebuked the wind and the raging waves - suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm - then He asked them - where is your faith? Luke 8:24-25

Where is your faith - are you in the storm - your storm of life - He knows where you are !!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Tom. I would never have known your mother without it. What a blessing and comfort that has to be for you. Praying for those who lost homes and businesses in this storm that hit Nebraska. For the families of the two who lost their lives, my heart aches for you. May God give you strength that surpasses all understanding.
